Tonight’s run sandwich. The layers were a little thicker, too. 90s run/60s walk … I made it from HSL to Guandu. About 45minutes in total.

Which of course means that I can comfortably finish a 4K in about 40 minutes doing this. The previous run was about 47minutes I will be able to run a similar time in October. I should even be able to get a 35 minute run or better in November, if I keep training properly.

Surprised? I certainly was. Anyway, this was sandwiched between two 2k bike rides. Total time: about 90 minutes.

Overall, I made it from almost a 5K. About 54 minutes in total. So def. slow af. But who cares! I made it. If I can, you can! But go slow! It’s the key to success!

But I have a question: what is cadence? Is that steps per minute?