Why would you need a diet pill if you follow these five simple rules?
Is there such a thing as effective diet pills? I doubt. A lot of people are looking for the silver bullet that helps people control their weight. But we already…
Is there such a thing as effective diet pills? I doubt. A lot of people are looking for the silver bullet that helps people control their weight. But we already…
It’s been quite a few years since I left the UK. In fact, it was in the middle of another recession, the mild recession of 1992 when I finally left…
What are you wearing? Why on earth anyone would be buying swimwear in October is beyond me? Except if you live in Taiwan. Temperatures this October are an enviable 28C…
When you are renovating your house, you will be likely perplexed by the range of choices available for you. Which kind of lighting should you choose? Tiles, wood or carpet?…