Tonight’s run/walk/bike triple sandwich
Tonight’s run sandwich. The layers were a little thicker, too. 90s run/60s walk … I made it from HSL to Guandu. About 45minutes in total. Which of course means that…
Tonight’s run sandwich. The layers were a little thicker, too. 90s run/60s walk … I made it from HSL to Guandu. About 45minutes in total. Which of course means that…
Imagine my shock & horror when I saw this on Shopee. Of course, I immediately ordered 3. One to test, one to try with ice cream, and one to perfect…
I’m guessing most participants were interested in 10K, so they held back opening it first to fill up the other ones . Anyway, 10K is now viable. I’ll register for…
As usual, FB is the high interest, low commitment sphere of ‘interest’. Lots of people said they were interested in attending the walk: out of 700 members, I got 12…