Pins Out: Not Pinned Up!
Next Wednesday having another pin removed from my arm. Hope I get to keep it! As a memento! So that makes only three pins to go, but goodness knows how…
Next Wednesday having another pin removed from my arm. Hope I get to keep it! As a memento! So that makes only three pins to go, but goodness knows how…
Of coure, I forgot my first cardinal rule in Taiwan. Whenever you go shopping or eat out, never ever buy the most expensive or the cheapest items on the menu/in…
I was a fan of Michael, but I think that David Cook has also a great talent and personality… I’d vote for him! #1: I still haven’t found what I’m…
When dieting, there are times when you try out all sorts of ways: champagne diets, odd exercise programs, natural weight loss pills, home remedies, lifestyle changes, and much more… While…