Beringer’s White Zinfandel 2006: light, delicious and refreshing
This post starts a series of posts on this blog called “The Finer Things in Life” (or should it be subtitled “Life’s guilty little pleasures”?) Step up #1 in the…
This post starts a series of posts on this blog called “The Finer Things in Life” (or should it be subtitled “Life’s guilty little pleasures”?) Step up #1 in the…
Dial-A-Flight is a website that offers good deals on travel, hotels, and more… I found them when, to my surprise, they became one of my blog sponsors at another location.…
Chen is becoming isolated, even in Taiwan. Since Oct. 10th, it’s been quite clear that the DPP senior leadership have been shuffling around trying to distance themselves from the fallout…
Payperpost is trying to woo us ‘posties’ by playing surprise visits to people! Hah! I doubt think they’ll ever be able to catch me! I attached this comment to their…