iPhone or OLPC? Which will have a greater impact?
This week saw two major technology announcements both of which have potentially large implications for users world wide. The first was the iPhone launched by Apple at MacWorld. The second…
This week saw two major technology announcements both of which have potentially large implications for users world wide. The first was the iPhone launched by Apple at MacWorld. The second…
Teachers should really give OpenOffice.org a look: Office XP compatible, lots of extra features, Mac/Win/Linux variants, and PDF export functions. It is also multi-lingual, multi-system, and uses openly accepted formats.…
http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/ e-books You can buy e-books from Barnes and Noble (www.bn.com) or download 1,200 free classics from the University of Virginia Library (etext.virginia.edu/ebooks). Better still, download the free Word 2000…