One Tool That Saves Me EVERYTIME: Google
I’ve been abroad for quite a while, but despite living in a non-English speaking country and learning something of the language, I still prefer to use English on my PCs……
I’ve been abroad for quite a while, but despite living in a non-English speaking country and learning something of the language, I still prefer to use English on my PCs……
Tonight I was chatting with Christine in the car as we came home after dinner. Through our discussions, I found that I really have been something of a jack of…
I was sorting through my collection on online photos and digi-cams (and I’m already on the fifith!)… when I found this sorry bag of old negatives. I had almost forgotten…
Let’s dig in !, originally uploaded by EndlessSupra. Endless Supra took this wonderful picture of Sushi. It’s a particular favorite of mine. The vendor on our street stopped selling it…