Summer is coming!
Image-nokia407, originally uploaded by obblogatory. Don’t let the cold weather get you down! The sun is still there, waiting its turn!
Image-nokia407, originally uploaded by obblogatory. Don’t let the cold weather get you down! The sun is still there, waiting its turn!
P1040582, originally uploaded by obblogatory. Who is this lady? I know she’s made of iron… but she’s not The Iron Lady, is she?
P1040585, originally uploaded by obblogatory. A fine restaurant and coffee shop in Miaoli with an unusual name and decor. We just had some coffee. So no idea what the food…
Decorating the School, originally uploaded by obblogatory. Yes, we spent two long and hard days redecorating the school. We had to paint four rooms, and one long hallway. So take…