Tamsui River: Is this pollution?
Tamsui River: Is this pollution?, originally uploaded by obblogatory. We saw this pollution in the river in Tamsui,… it’s not the first time we’ve seen disgusting things going into the…
Tamsui River: Is this pollution?, originally uploaded by obblogatory. We saw this pollution in the river in Tamsui,… it’s not the first time we’ve seen disgusting things going into the…
18042009184, originally uploaded by obblogatory. I took this nice little snap on my Nokia N79 camera phone. It worked out well, because I ran out of space on my memory…
Small Vendor: Shihlin Night Market, originally uploaded by obblogatory. Picture of Great Tasting Sausages: Enjoy the flavors of the local night market in Shihlin. This vendor had a variety of…
P1030027, originally uploaded by obblogatory. We spent the last few weekends tidying up our bedroom, and creating a pleasant environment for reading and music and discussion. It’s still unfinished but…