Neihu Train on Neihu Line Extension Opening
Neihu Train, originally uploaded by obblogatory. We were pleased to take the newly opened Neihu Line out to Neihu Park from Miramar Station, and this was the train approaching. It’s…
Neihu Train, originally uploaded by obblogatory. We were pleased to take the newly opened Neihu Line out to Neihu Park from Miramar Station, and this was the train approaching. It’s…
Sunday on Lao Mei Beach, originally uploaded by obblogatory. This was taken last weekend on Lao Mei Beach. It was spectacularly hot that day… so I didn’t feel like walking…
204486~1, originally uploaded by obblogatory. A different perspective… is it not?
Tienmou Saturday Arts & Crafts Market, originally uploaded by obblogatory. One of the stalls at the Saturday Market in Tienmou. It’s pretty hot in the afternoon, but things get a…