
weekly report: September 22nd

I completely surprised myself last night. The leg muscles are a little stiff this morning. But I managed to run 90s run/60s walk for most of the distance, except for…

PengPeng 10/19

So last night, I did the 2nd night of 1m walk/run. 2KM is easier now. I will try to do 3KM like that as well. Plus when I collect the…

Short list of runs

Level 1: 2K Level 2: 4K 2K or 4K OOO Run: 000 coffee shop to HSL (end of bike lane). Actually, doing this in the morning means the coffee shop…

Weekly Report

I slipped up on my schedule of posting regular updates. But rest assured, fellow readers… I didn’t quit my exercise schedule. In fact, I’ve doubled down on what I’ve been…