He tried the Queen’s Attack
They tried. Won by resignation. Ended up bishop took his knight. He had more pawns but he wouldn’t have been able to get a queen by promotion before I could.
They tried. Won by resignation. Ended up bishop took his knight. He had more pawns but he wouldn’t have been able to get a queen by promotion before I could.
Well. I left my exercise watch at school so I couldn’t accurately time my runs tonight. 2×1.5km sandwich runs. Total time. 34m exactly 3km. Fastest pace 10:45. Slowest pace 12:48.…
Tamsui, New Taipei City Hi, Mom! Yes! It’s me again! I tried to call you on Saturday afternoon, but no one was able to pick up the phone, so I…
You’ve probably been shocked by the mark up on imported ingredients here, but once you consider the actual costs to importing, you quickly realize that the importers aren’t making a…