
2KM 9:50 pace

so that was consistent but harder. Poor sleep last night Yoga class I pushed myself into the next zone to maintain the time. Last run was easier! But i was…

9’20” – Got a little faster

So there’s that. Last night’s run, I cracked 10K/m and 9’20 in the 2nd one. So that’s some good news. I cycled slowly back home. I’m struggling between three Fitness…

All the news that’s crap today

Honestly, things keep going against me right now. Poor wife is sick… she likely needs some surgery soon; it’s so cold out I just don’t wanna do exercise; I canceled…

Taipei is Freaking Noisy

There are lots of things that are noisy in Taipei: fireworks at all hours, revving scooters with illegal exhausts, souped-up cars with loud engines/exhausts, temple shows at all hours, loud…