Thou shall not consume surf ‘n’ turf
I rather fear that this ‘combining’ of dishes is one of these weird adult ‘moral’ rules that we like to foist on ourselves and other people. Why? God knows why…
I rather fear that this ‘combining’ of dishes is one of these weird adult ‘moral’ rules that we like to foist on ourselves and other people. Why? God knows why…
I tried counting calories several times, it is an exercise in frustration, TBH. So I quit. Calories BurnedInstead, I decided to count calories burned. I worked out my BMR, then…
like a million calories! but good! Still two branches. But for how much longer?
What is your ideal weight? Well, I asked that on a discussion group. Some interesting comments were made: In general, how long is a piece of string, I guess. Obsessive?…