
Weekly Report

I slipped up on my schedule of posting regular updates. But rest assured, fellow readers… I didn’t quit my exercise schedule. In fact, I’ve doubled down on what I’ve been…

Tamsui Vietnamese

One of my favorite places for lunch or early dinner. Beef soup, with spring rolls & papaya salad. Delish! ?????? – Google Maps

Week 3: Net loss – minimal.

Eh, not much. This past week has been a bit disappointing on all fronts. Who said weight loss is easy? Was that me? This week it’s been anything but easy.…

man in teal hoodie with i love you text

Don’t let your pants catch fire!

Liar, liar… your pants on fire! I’ve been contemplating the empty promises that people make. Do we all do that? Here are some examples of empty promises that I’ve heard:…