Losing Gold and Platinum Rings: Lousy timing in a precious metals rally
Last week, I was tidying up my drawers and junk, when I found one of my cheap silver rings that I bought a few years ago. I can only wear…
Last week, I was tidying up my drawers and junk, when I found one of my cheap silver rings that I bought a few years ago. I can only wear…
Looking for the magic weight loss pill? I know I have, but there isn’t one. I keep telling myself the truth, and yet somehow my waistline seems to keep expanding!…
Losing weight isn’t much of a mystery, the formula is quite simple: consume less, exercise more and drink plenty of water… So while it’s tempting to believe all the diet…
When dieting, there are times when you try out all sorts of ways: champagne diets, odd exercise programs, natural weight loss pills, home remedies, lifestyle changes, and much more… While…