September-October Invoice Lottery
The numbers are out! Good luck to y’all! I didn’t win anything last time, either! Taiwan receipt lottery unveils winning numbers for September-October | Taiwan News | Nov. 25, 2024…
The numbers are out! Good luck to y’all! I didn’t win anything last time, either! Taiwan receipt lottery unveils winning numbers for September-October | Taiwan News | Nov. 25, 2024…
I found a local artisanal cheese manufacturer. Check it out! 台灣第一家義式手工乳酪品牌。品牌創辦人暨乳酪師陳淑惠(Isabella Chen) 將對起司的熱愛轉為行動,遠赴義大利與日本傳統工作坊,向當地職人學習「白色藝術」,將手工新鮮乳酪的美好帶回台灣;同時透過多元的跨品牌合作,在台灣推廣乳酪(起司)這個食材的無限可塑性與可融性。 Translated as: “Taiwan’s first Italian handmade cheese brand. Brand founder and cheesemaker Isabella Chen) turned her…
Yoga Pants! Yay! I’m wearing them now. They’re pretty comfortable. I had to buy the biggest size of course. Not so expensive. I guess they won’t last long. 🌹九分高腰運動褲 |…
I was passing on the way to the 4K last night. Came across Ultra Taiwan. Wow! Is it loud or what? And I was walking behind the main speakers, I…