Now how do you pronounce: scone?
The word itself has at least three pronunciations: scone (as in ‘gone’), scone (as in ‘lone’), and scone (as in ‘school’). In the last one, it refers to the Stone…
The word itself has at least three pronunciations: scone (as in ‘gone’), scone (as in ‘lone’), and scone (as in ‘school’). In the last one, it refers to the Stone…
Well, there you go. I managed to put on 1lb since last weight reading. Some of that could be muscle, though. The main goals at the moment are to support…
Mostly because it’s a waste of time. There are three kinds of members: those who are trying to become local politicians (young), those who have lots of apartments in the…
The X-axis is time, oc. Slowest times are speeding up, and faster times are becoming more typical. Still not really broken through 10 minutes despite recording under 9 in the…