Google Fit Could Be Overcounting
So how ’bout those new Google colors on the maps? I like them. The older ones didn’t often have enough contrast on some monitors!
Frustrated with Google? You should be…
Why? It’s simple. Google is a terrible business partner. Why? Because its recent actions have brought many webmasters nothing but trouble. Would you want Google to be YOUR business partner…
SBI: Why bother? It no longer solves the Google problem
It’s true that there may be more customers than domains, esp. if you consider those customers who sign up, but never even register a domain despite paying. It’s also true…
The Google Monopoly on Search
Google is largely a monopoly now. Google now competes with their own customers in select fields, skimming content off Wikipedia and showing it separately without attribution or links. They now…
Will Sitesell survive the recent Google changes?
I have learned a lot from developing my site; but I feel that Google has changed the game in a number of significant ways, and SBI so far has failed…
Pissed @ Google: What is your plan B?
So you can start to work on building non-Google traffic sources, instead. Your blog is a great way to access social media. Your newsletter and autoresponders and a switch to…
Not a fan of Google these days
Not really. Many SBI site owners have worked hard on their sites have had their sites rankings decimated by the repeated updates from Google: the Pandas & the Penguins and…