What spices are used in Baigan Bharta?
Baigan Bharta, a popular Indian dish made from roasted and mashed eggplant, typically includes a variety of spices to enhance its flavor. The common spices used are: – **Cumin seeds**…
Baigan Bharta, a popular Indian dish made from roasted and mashed eggplant, typically includes a variety of spices to enhance its flavor. The common spices used are: – **Cumin seeds**…
一種簡單的方法是每天一餐不吃米飯或麵條。我選擇了晚餐。我做不到16-8。所以我選了14-10。這更容易。但如果早上 8 點吃早餐,那麼最後一餐是下午 6 點。LOL! 當我開始時,每天在同一時間、穿著相同的衣服稱體重。記錄下來了。 還寫了飲食日記。了解份量大小和食物熱量。計算出我每天大約消耗的熱量。有一些應用程式可以提供幫助。 然後我嘗試少吃一點,多做運動。我試著吃比我需要的少 100 卡路里的熱量。當然,也有幾天我失敗了。但有一天你吃什麼並不重要。 永不放棄。 https://tools.heho.com.tw/bmr 他們的體重指數計算器很糟糕。不取小數點。
I think FB admin could learn a thing or two from Reddit. 2 complaints: 2 successful reports. Now can FB copy that? I think not.
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