Which car gives you more metal for your dosh?
My favorite car program, Jeremy pits two cars against each other for on- and off- roading. Porsche GT3 vs. Ferrari both can drive on the regular road and on the…
My favorite car program, Jeremy pits two cars against each other for on- and off- roading. Porsche GT3 vs. Ferrari both can drive on the regular road and on the…
Today I was reading an article about Google testing cars that are driverless! After the monster traffic jam in Taipei tonight… where my wife joked about not seeing the 99th…
Having been a car owner now for over 5 years, I must confess I didn’t give much thought to car accessories of any kind until much more recently. One of…
Would you like to own this ‘thing of beauty’? Isn’t it amazing? Wonder what the gasoline bill is? After all, how you get about town is as important as getting…