It’s been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.
I don’t know if I’ll be posting to this blog again or not! I quite like the hand features that blogging has… but this blog is already at 2000 posts!…
I don’t know if I’ll be posting to this blog again or not! I quite like the hand features that blogging has… but this blog is already at 2000 posts!…
I was installing a new plugin called CoScheduler… and again, I am frustrated… Why? Simple. This is another ‘Premium’ product that expects users to pay $10 per month… but on…
Just entered my first Raffle Copter contest at That’s $800! I’d sorely be tempted to spend some of that win on a decent coffee grinder! I use a manual…
I am now posting to this blog from my iPad courtesy of my new 3G sim card. Wow! I know I am late to this game for sure! – posted…