It’s been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.
I don’t know if I’ll be posting to this blog again or not! I quite like the hand features that blogging has… but this blog is already at 2000 posts!…
I don’t know if I’ll be posting to this blog again or not! I quite like the hand features that blogging has… but this blog is already at 2000 posts!…
I admit it, I’m addicted, again. After being addicted earlier this decade, I managed to escape from my addiction twice before, but right now I’m totally blitzed.
And I’m not going to follow ‘poop’ anytime soon… Who knows I might even follow it to the bathroom!
Christine and I went to 101 this evening but as the shops were closing around 9:30pm, I was not wanting to go home just yet… We stopped by M&S, StarBucks,…