It’s borked, after 5000 photographs!
Finally, my Panasonic Lumix camera started dying. It was shooting very psychelic pictures, like this. Obviously the CMOS are shot. Pretty, though.
Finally, my Panasonic Lumix camera started dying. It was shooting very psychelic pictures, like this. Obviously the CMOS are shot. Pretty, though.
Every program these days for photographs for personal memories, and the non-professional markets, seems to try to provide EVERYTHING in the box. And there are so many choices out there…
I admit it, I’m addicted, again. After being addicted earlier this decade, I managed to escape from my addiction twice before, but right now I’m totally blitzed.
Hotel Collapse: This is the most enduring image of the typhoon that I reported a week or so ago as coming to Taiwan, a collapse that shocked everyone. You can…