measuring tape, measure, belly

Taking the elevator with a neighbor recently, reminded me of how judgmental we can all be at times.

I guess she didn’t mean to be but she assumed. Once I was carrying three pizza boxes and got the tut tut … so many calories comment! I don’t think I mentioned that we’d had students as guests. I just said “I guess so!” Of course, I didn’t eat the pizza … it was for our guests. LOL!

measuring tape, measure, belly

After losing 22KGs, I was riding in the same elevator with the same neighbor just recently who saw what I was having for dinner: a pot of plain yogurt, I think. I got the same tut … tut… not very nutritious. Hahah, you can’t win! I just smiled… said something about bananas or fruit.

Actually, it was pretty decent: a dash of raw sugar, oats sprinkled on top with about 100g of natural yogurt and banana & kiwi. Really quite a nice dinner! We don’t get many fresh berries in a tropical country… we got to wait for winter.

Weird though, I was told bananas were ‘too carby’ by one fitness fanatic… I have eaten a few hundred over the past two years. Didn’t seem to stop me losing weight.

I was also told to eat protein for breakfast. Instead, I stocked up on low GI carbs, higher fiber and fruit with low sugar (not fake sugar) cereal for breakfast and yogurt/milk/milk tea.

But squeezing into those old pants is a joy! I managed to put on short pants that I wore 20 years ago with a 34″? waist. So happy to throw away the 40″ ones. They’re still a little tight so I can’t wear them … yet. But losing another couple of kgs will probably do it.

I guess whatever works. Well-intentioned advice often comes from those who are least qualified to be giving it.