And still FB will do nothing, except punish the people who actually use FB for its intended purpose. Meanwhile I see scams every day on FB. EVERY single day. Stock scams. Job scams. Product scams. You name it. I now block most cookies. But some ads still get through, so then I installed FBpurity.

That helps a lot, as I tried reporting the obvious scams but FB doesn’t care, doesn’t intend to do anything about even the obvious scams and just pretends they aren’t against FB’s own set of rules. It’s really disgusting.

Eventually, though, FB is going to lose control over this issue to governments who are fed up with their citizens being scammed through social media. And you know what, people are going to say, “Mark, we told you! But you completely ignored us, rejected our complains and flat out lied to us. Now it’s on you!”

NT$239.5 billion lost to scams over past year in Taiwan: Report – Focus Taiwan