It’s one of the sad results of Google’s SERPS these days. More is more, but not necessarily better. Recipe sites are the worst for this… waffling on and on about irrelevancies.

Finally, you get to the recipe (which is obscured by all sorts of ads/clicks to reveal)… It’s really a bad user experience.

Here is a very typical result for french toast. I don’t browse with ads on. But I will to show you what the problem is.

As if the introduction was a keeper: “If you’re looking for the best French toast recipe on the internet, you’ve come to the right place. This tender, fluffy, and indulgent recipe comes together quickly and easily with just five ingredients you already have on hand.

How do you know it’s good? Because this deliciously easy recipe has earned nearly 2,000 rave reviews from the Allrecipes community. Happy home cooks call it a “definite keeper” and “a Sunday morning favorite” (among many other ringing endorsements).

Here’s everything you need to know about making the best French toast of your life, including the best bread to use and what ingredients you need. Plus, get our best storage secrets and freezer hacks.”

Blah! Blah! Bloody Blah! It’s wordspam. That’s what Google SERPS create these days. This page is not for humans but for the SEARCH BOTS to bring users who click on stupid ads like the ones I show here. Unfortunately, the impact on real writers means that, like this message, verbosity rules. F**k laconism.