Quick summary & update
1. Tried changing the unicode language to English – didn’t work.
2. There are no “Mopier Mode and Job Storage settings” for the printers we’re using.
3. PDFs, other apps, etc, all worked without issue.
4. Couldn’t replicate the issue on my English PC.
5. Installing LibreOffice 4.2.4* from portableapps. Downloaded twice: can see why it’s no longer updated. Wouldn’t run.
6. Updating to the latest version actually created the problem in this case, as the solution will reveal.
7. Found two solutions in the end:
a. in the print settings dialog there is option that is unchecked. When checked it works: “Create single print jobs from collated output”. The problem is that it has to be checked EVERY SINGLE TIME you want multiple copies… which for our teachers is 99% of the time. Not a great work around.
b. Finally downloaded Ooo 3.2.* portable. That worked. OpenOffice version 3.2.* which used the OLD print menu options worked like it always should. So clearly both later versions Ooo and L/O share the new menu for printing, and there is something that is borked, that is common to both source codes.
Problem not fixed, but avoided by downgrading and/or extra clicking. Annoying.
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