Today, I received a really odd spam from a merchant account that I used to use occasionally.
It said:
“Hi Kenneth ;
I have emailed you again in regards to the March of Dimes’ affiliate program via Kolimbo. I would like to personally ask you to join March of Dimes in their mission. They strive everyday to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.
We would like to offer you the opportunity to donate advertising space on your site to help a great cause. To arrange something please call me at 734-728-4500 ex 228.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Brad Litwin
March of Dimes Affiliate Program
734-728-4500 ex 214
962 Newburgh Rd
Westland, MI 48185”
Here’s some things that bother me:
1. you don’t know my website.
2. you don’t know my full name.
3. I never got your previous SPAM.
4. Why do I have to call you to do this?
5. Mostly why are you using an affiliate website..?
These question aside: I still thought it was ridiculous that a charity in America would appeal to non-Americans to help fund something that should be funded by their own health system (hic), after all, isn’t it supposed to be the ‘richest’ country in the world. So this is what I wrote:…
Dear Brad,
I’m sorry to have to tell you, I cannot currently support an American charity when American made bombs are falling on families’ homes in Lebanon, American soldiers occupy Middle Eastern countries, and American weapons find their way to terrorists’ hands in Afghanistan, Africa, and elsewhere. When the American govt. decides that health, education and welfare are more important than bombs, guns and soldiers, then I’ll be happy to support charities for American people.
Please accept my apologies. Please also understand that I’m not pro-Arab, but then neither am I American.
Best Wishes
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