I had a look at the new Yahoo! interface. I quite liked it. Check it out yourself at http://www.yahoo.com. It's got a number of new features that you might find quite useful. You can change the color scheme.

Yahoo! New Front Page

You can access a lot of the other major pages from the website, such as Finance, Mail (like the old page).. Is it less cluttered than the other pages? Yes, it is. The problem really lies in the fact that several of the features don't allow much customisation.

Also, many of the other network pages haven't been redesigned as such, so the look is really a hodgepodge of different styles, without much overall coordination.

In fact, I rarely access Yahoo! through the main page. I prefer to go direct to the resource I'm looking forward by typing in the web address. I don't know what really http://www.yahoo.com does as a page, except for lost souls.


Looking forward to the much needed restyling of the rest of Yahoo!