I haven’t been keeping my records up to date on here. Sorry. I’m exercising most days to help keep my stress under control, and provide a bit of the feeling that I actually have some control over my life. That’s pretty important, wouldn’t you say?

Weight is hovering around 85kgs today but yesterday I had a bit of rice for lunch. That always seems to hang about longer than my own cereals. Rice is a healthy food, but it is slower to digest.

With lunar new year hovering over us, I thought that my weight might increase to about 85~86kgs. That prediction is now looking a little on the high side, fortunately. It’s part of my weight loss to set upper limits on how much my weight can increase so that my body gets trained to accept the limits and not get ‘anxious’ that it’s starving.

Once new year is past and better weather is here, I’m aiming to lose another 4~5kgs before summer. Weights are in my future, too, as part of an effort to convert fat into muscle. I’m determined to compete in the 2025 Marie Claire Charity Fun Run at 10K at the very least with a time of around 80~85 minutes.