Honestly, there is a simple trick to determine who cares about their coffee beans. Do they state roasting date or sell by date? Do they state use by in the next month, year or century? Most coffee experts recommend using the beans within a few weeks of roasting, not the multiple months that Charbucks and Monsieur Brown et all advertise.
Locals prefer more fruity roasts, so think light or medium light in color to enhance the acid. This is not a style I enjoy much… but I think it’s a local preference, as to a T many say the prefer the brighter Ethiopians and even the local coffee beans.
Oh, and brand positioning is a thing. Those roasters that place brand above quality. There are an awful lot of people shopping in Starbucks who don’t care about coffee. They’re just there to show off. But Starbucks coffee freshly made, I’ve found, varies quite a lot from store to store. High traffic stores tend to have the most 7-11 level of water quality.
I sometimes buy coffee beans in PXmart: Cama has several, there are a few others you can try, too. Avoid King Car, Mr. Brown, Barista Coffee, and anything that is too cheap. And don’t buy bags that are too big. 250g is quite fine for a couple of weeks. Some roasters even sell 150g bags. You’re not saving money if you have to throw away half the can from Costco. In fact, you just increased the price.