Close-up of a smartphone screen showing various social media app icons such as Facebook and Twitter.

I’m going to suggest quite the contrary. If you’re already selling, you have an audience and word of mouth reputation. This is 1000x better than anything FB or IG will give you. Why? Let me outline some reasons:

with FB, IG it’s pay to play these days: you pay for your audience, and you pay to reach them, too. Reach is dramatically scaled back otherwise.

FB/IG accounts get closed all the time. I’ve had several friends lose their IG accounts for no reason. I lost my FB at one point, too. And yes, they were running businesses via the IG accounts.

building your business on what you’re doing now is absolutely more reliable than using FB/IG to reach customers

eyeballs are all that matter on FB/IG because that’s what is monetized. You may pay, but your fans are the product, not your artwork. Your artwork is just the bait and switch.

FB sales are probably going to be problematic at best. You’ll likely spend far more time advertising and running your FB pages than you do now selling face to face. You’ll also get far less feedback, just meaningless numbers from FB, none of which put $ in your pockets. FB customers are generally non-committal, uncommitted, unreliable, and cheap.

You already have more insight into who your customers truly are, so if you can find them on IG/FB … I’d reckon that you may have much better there as FB/IG offers the ability to scale your outreach. But that scale comes at a cost ($$$, time, reputation)…

Honestly, my recommendation would be get a Wixsite/SquareSpace or even a free WordPress site and start that as your ‘online’ presence. Upgrade when you reckon the additional features are worth it. My friends have nice Wix sites and SS sites. I’m not sure that site is a good choice, though. Also, develop your mail list, too. Get some way that connects to your audience without the filters of algos.