I found a local artisanal cheese manufacturer. Check it out! https://www.labmanmano.com.
台灣第一家義式手工乳酪品牌。品牌創辦人暨乳酪師陳淑惠(Isabella Chen) 將對起司的熱愛轉為行動,遠赴義大利與日本傳統工作坊,向當地職人學習「白色藝術」,將手工新鮮乳酪的美好帶回台灣;同時透過多元的跨品牌合作,在台灣推廣乳酪(起司)這個食材的無限可塑性與可融性。
Translated as: “Taiwan’s first Italian handmade cheese brand. Brand founder and cheesemaker Isabella Chen) turned her love for cheese into action and went to Italy and Japan for traditional workshops to learn the “white art” from local workers and bring the beauty of handmade fresh cheese back to Taiwan; at the same time, through diversified Cross-brand cooperation to promote the unlimited plasticity and meltability of cheese (cheese) as an ingredient in Taiwan.”
I’m not sure it’s the first. There are several in other places. But it’s wonderful news. I wonder where she sources her milk. The other cheesemaker said persuading farmers to sell him the milk was the biggest challenge he faced. I also wonder where she gets her milk… I don’t know if you noticed but there aren’t too many dairy farmers in Taipei!