Foreign students eligible for public school enrollment
外籍人士子女在台就學 選擇多元化

As more foreign professionals move to Taiwan, the challenge of finding appropriate schools for their children has become the most important issue for many of them. Although foreign parents can send their children to international schools such as Taipei American School and Taipei European School, there are now other alternatives worth considering. 《full text》


Speedy airport customs clearance offered to foreign business people

To expedite entry/exit procedures for foreign business people who frequently travel in and out of Taiwan, the Border Affairs Corps of the Ministry of the Interior’s National Immigration Agency (NIA) has set up rapid-clearance counters at Taiwan’s international airports. Foreign business travelers recommended by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and those holding Business Travel Cards (ABTCs) issued by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) may use these exclusive counters to enjoy rapid customs clearance.《full text》

為便利經常往返我國經商的商務人士入出國,目前內政部入出國及移民署國境事務大隊於各國際機場設有快速通關櫃檯,提供經由經濟部推薦之外籍商務人士,及持有亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)所發行的商務旅行卡(ABTC卡)者,可經由專屬櫃檯快速通關查驗入出國。外籍商務人士之配偶、直系親屬同行時,亦可隨同快速查驗通關入出國境。 《詳全文》

Foreign residents share perspectives on life in Taiwan

Today, foreign residents in Taiwan are able to express their ideas, emotions and perspectives about life here via a growing number of channels. For example, many foreign spouses have been invited to join TV shows and share stories from their daily lives, focusing on a variety of interesting topics. In keeping with this trend, Taiwan What’s Up decided to do some of its own research and share some interesting culture-shock experiences from two long-time foreign residents. 《full text》

目前在台的外籍人士有越來越多管道以抒發異鄉人的心情,例如邀請遠嫁台灣的各國新住民暢談在台生活各類趣聞的電視節目,詼諧逗趣的內容令台灣人聽了也不禁莞爾。現在就跟著Taiwan What’s Up,透過兩位深耕台灣、擁有豐富生活經驗的達人來瞭解台灣有哪些令他們意想不到的文化衝擊! 《詳全文》

Savoring exotic delicacies in southern Taiwan at Amy’s restaurants

During the summer months, bright sunshine and blue skies beckon everyone to take a trip to the beach. Kenting, Taiwan’s mecca for beach-goers, lures millions of visitors each year with its warm temperatures, white sand and other attractions, including a variety of exotic cuisine. Among all, the American-Mexican style restaurant Smokey Joe’s is one of the most popular local eateries among visitors. Amy Wu, the owner of Smokey Joe’s, also runs 11 other well-known restaurants in Kaohsiung, offering Italian, Chinese, Thai and hotpot cuisine.《full text》

隨著夏日正式來到,燦爛的陽光令人腦中不禁嚮往一個海邊的小旅行。墾丁這個海岸聖地充滿了南國的夏日風情、以及充滿異國風情的美食,而其中位於墾丁路上福華飯店旁的Smokey Joe美墨料理,更是為數不少的遊客指名要品嚐的人氣餐廳。事實上,Smokey Joe的老闆Amy吳靜怡在高雄還開了11間特色各異的餐廳,提供義式、中式、泰式、麻辣鍋等餐點,道地的口味與令人沉醉的氛圍吸引許多思鄉的外籍顧客上門光顧! 《詳全文》