Xpat Magazine (www.xpatmag.com), Taiwan’s journal of art, literature, and adventure, needs writers, photographers, and artists to submit stories, articles, fiction, poetry, photographs, and original artwork for the fourth issue.
The theme of the issue is ‘FOLLY’
The deadline is June 1st, 2005
Submissions need not be directly related to the theme. Unique and obscure takes on the theme are quite welcome. For information about submissions please see our submissions guidelines at http://www.xpatmag.com/pages/submissions.htm or email xpatsubmissions@gmail.com
Xpat is also needs your pictures for two sections:
1) Fashion – Taiwan is a fashion blender. The wackiest, most schizophrenic clothes in the world come from this country. We want all your pictures of the zaniest, craziest, funkiest fashion that you’ve seen here.
DEADLINE: April 10th
2) Chinglish – Poor web translators and an enthusiasm for western culture have combined in Taiwan to produce some of the most hilarious follies of language the world has ever seen. Send us your pictures of the funniest chinglish you’ve encountered.
DEADLINE: June 1st
To submit pictures or artwork, or for more information about submitting art see http://www.xpatmag.com/pages/pictures.htm or email the arts editor at xpatpictures@gmail.com
Finally, Xpat Magazine needs sponsors. Sponsorship is an inexpensive way to advertise your business to the English speaking community in Taiwan and support local art. For more information about sponsoring Xpat go to http://www.xpatmag.com/pages/advertise.htm
For more information, and to view the mag online, visit our website at www.xpatmag.com