A relative asked me if I was wearing tights yesterday. I guess it was a little obvious. I think she wanted to know why. Sigh! Varicose veins are a PITA.
Varicose veins are very much an inherited trait. The compression of most tights or sports tights is comfortable enough, and I find that I have benefited over the last three years. My leg circulation seems to have improved. But as I’ve lost weight from fat deposits, my varicosities on my right leg have become more obvious.
Anyway, if I can get my weight to 80kgs this year, then I will get them treated towards the end of the year. I don’t know if there is much rationale for waiting except that in winter, operations are generally more comfortable because of the cooler weather.
I won’t probably be able to stop wearing tights, afterwards. So nice people of the world… when the weather is 30C+, you gonna have to put up with my fashion woes. LOL!
Now the only questions remaining: will I have to shave my legs? what colors do you like? why don’t I like sheer pantyhose?… If you’re interested to know, then ask me!
Otherwise I’ll leave it with: despite everything, I think my legs actually look okay in tights. And I’m supporting the Taiwan hosiery industry because few other people seem to wear tights!