In many European cities, esp. around tourist zones those who look like they have money can become easy targets. Some friends were robbed in Spain in Madrid, I guess because they looked like they were from Japan. They were just students travelling.
Over the years, I’ve been approached by drunks and druggies out for no good. It is not confined to gender by any means. The area was well-lit or even daytime. But thugs, murderers and trouble-makers often pick on those who appear more vulnerable. Sometimes the motive is sexual, sometimes robbery, sometimes they’re just malevolent characters.
So never flash your phones, watches or expensive camera gear around. Cover brand names if you need to with gaffer tape. Even if you’re a poor student, people can get the wrong idea about you, just because you have an iPhone 6.
If you’re in danger, you can dodge these guys. Best to dive into any store or crowd of people to hide. Get into the MRT station or on a crowded bus, which is usually well-lit, and if you’re followed, go through the turnstiles ASAP. Then request help from the attendants. Otherwise dive onto a train… then get off the next stop. If you’re on the street, you can run into a 7-11 or Family Mart in Taiwan to call police.