So there’s that. Last night’s run, I cracked 10K/m and 9’20 in the 2nd one. So that’s some good news. I cycled slowly back home.
I’m struggling between three Fitness Apps, each of which has shortcomings.
Google Fit: its GPS is terrible, except when you track activities. So you gotta remember. It’s also somewhat rough in its estimates and I don’t like the fact that I fly over the river sometimes as its GPS tracking bounces around like a ball on a squash court. It also forgets to count activities properly. Not great, but free with the phone.
Zepp: it was bearable but got way more complicated. It doesn’t integrate with Strava, and its design is ‘clunky’. It integrates with my AmazFit Bip watch of many years vintage. So it is fine in that regard, except a lot of new functionality isn’t included oc. And it doesn’t attempt to track things like cycling if you don’t use the track function on your watch/phone. Not great but comes with the watch.
Strava: I can’t connect it to Zepp even though Strava claims its possible. Without that functionality, there is no point in me using it. Plus I have to pay to use an app that I can’t use. Makes no sense at all. I don’t need its social connections. So… each of the three apps has serious shortcomings. I’m surprised that I’m able to use them to lose any weight at all.