Honestly, things keep going against me right now. Poor wife is sick… she likely needs some surgery soon; it’s so cold out I just don’t wanna do exercise; I canceled the Kinmen trip (which turns out to have been quite fortuitous given the wife’s situation; … I’m not doing much exercise at all so some weight has returned (about 2.2kgs). Well, I guess it’s all fine.

And I lost a long term client on hosting service. In fact, I’ll probably get out of WordPress Hosting sooner rather than later because WordPress’s Matt Mullenweg is being such a shite about WordPress: banning people, cutting off access, and some decidedly shady non-altruistic decision making. And then there’s that shit who just got elected again. I don’t even want to identify them. In fact, some of the US media seems to have these rather weird people in power: EM, DT, MM, … the list is quite long.

So tonight despite everything, I got out there and put in 2K and 1K bike ride. My hands were literally falling off it was so cold to ride back. But you know what, I did it. The times were respectable, too. The phone timed me at about 10:26 per K so it’s not too bad. My Zepp watch completely failed to report the data it normally does. I’m not sure why. I’ll check it tomorrow. Honestly, though the runs don’t feel fast. In fact, I thought I was going a bit slow… so it’s quite likely I’m ready to run under 10 regularly now.

Next week’s plan is to begin some simple pilates and some simple lower body exercises (mostly 1 set a day on the sport equipment in our community). I don’t anticipate it will make a big difference, but it’s better than doing nothing.

Once the wife’s health is more stable, I’ll start doing faster sprints in one K. So warm up 1K at 10:30 or so, then a faster 1 K followed by sprints of 10s upto about 2 minutes to start on the 3rd one K, then a slow down 1K. I’ll probably have to do more basic cooking for dinner, since Christine can’t do much cooking right now. She needs to eat. So do I. I guess that’ll help the weight.

Nothing is going according to plan right now. I have to remember the mantra, though, NEVER QUIT. NEVER GIVE UP.