Well, when you boil the life out of vegetables as you only know how to heat water, you only eat white-colored food, and anything that has onions or garlic is funky… I guess that’s what you get.

Unfortunately, we could blame WW2, but that wouldn’t account for the differences between other countries that faced privations, too. We could blame industrialization… see my previous sentence.

I personally blame religious extremism (ie. the years where anything joyful was seen as sinful). John Knox was an asshat who sucked the joy out of life who like so many religious leaders preached austerity, looked down on God’s creation, and sought to place himself above all others in it as a moral leader.

He wasn’t the only one to do that, … there have been a long list of pretenders to the crown of ‘religious purity’… one need only use google to determine who they are.