What is your key to change & personal transformation?
Sharon T. Chen’s Weight Loss Journey is Incredible Photo by Abbie Parks on Unsplash It’s wonderful to read someone else’s weight loss journey @ Facebook. Here is my own ‘story.’…
Sharon T. Chen’s Weight Loss Journey is Incredible Photo by Abbie Parks on Unsplash It’s wonderful to read someone else’s weight loss journey @ Facebook. Here is my own ‘story.’…
I used several tools: Google Photos to digitally remove the woman. Then Asus Photos to edit a little more, then finally Snapseed to change the dimensions and alter the crop.…
But I found keeping a food diary helped me get a clearer understanding of what I was eating. I also found that I tended to view the weight as a…
1. Chinese Taipei Road Runners Assoc. 中華民國路跑協會 https://www.sportsnet.org.tw/ 2. Race Events in Taiwan – 台灣賽馬活動 台灣賽馬活動 Runner’s Plaza :: Race Event in Taiwan http://www.taipeimarathon.org.tw/contest.aspx 3. LOHAS – 聯絡樂活資訊 聯絡樂活資訊 Lohas…