Mid-morning BP reading
It’s not too bad, overall. I’m not in athlete territory yet. But who knows…? When I start running 21K regularly, I might be.
It’s not too bad, overall. I’m not in athlete territory yet. But who knows…? When I start running 21K regularly, I might be.
Yoga Pants! Yay! I’m wearing them now. They’re pretty comfortable. I had to buy the biggest size of course. Not so expensive. I guess they won’t last long. 🌹九分高腰運動褲 |…
But can you guess which one I ordered: The Rosso or the Oro? 我從 Shopee 訂購了咖啡。但我訂的是哪一款呢?Rosso咖啡還是Oro咖啡?請猜一下!