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So it used to be real easy to move a WP install from one URL to another. But now it seems more difficult… each time I try to do it I screw up the new URL and the old one. What am I doing wrong?

I have a site at url1.com that I want to move to a new URL at url2.com, for example. I used to update the database fields either through WP settings or hacking the DB directly and finding the right lines. Then change the URL with the WordPress files through FTP. Voila! As long as there were no hardcoded URLs, then job done.

However, nowadays… I can’t do it that way. I always end up screwing up both the original url and the new one. The result I get is a site that has too many redirects and/or failed redirects. And both URLs are now borked.

Last time, I had to get the hosting company to undo it. This time, I’m trying to learn what I didn’t know. I’m obviously not doing it the right way… But I don’t know what I’m missing. Is it a change in the DNS or SSL…?

Appreciated if you could redirect me to the right answer! LOL! Tks.