Well, ‘tomorrow’s results’ are in. It’s 84.8kgs. I managed to put on 1.2~1.3kgs in 12 days! That’s an extra 770 calories a day!!! Impressed? I was.

But actually, it’s not that significant. On diets, you almost always overshoot on the final number… so bounce back is normal.

In fact, it’s to be expected because

  • a) you relax a little,
  • b) you eat a few of the things you restrained yourself from, and
  • c) your body attempts to stabilize its new weight.

On each of the previous attempts, I experienced a bounce back before resuming the downward trend. It seems to be about 1/2~1kg bounce back but depends. Last August, I was extremely lazy and put on 2kgs. Where am I now?

I’m not taking a break now… but trying to re-establish the habits from before: 10-14 eating, 2250 average calorie burn, decent sleeping habits, avoid rice & noodles, and increase exercise time. I set aside about 10 days to re-establish these habits.

Let’s put that 770 calories in context: it’s about a cake & a bowl of rice & an extra big dinner. So that’s about 350 + 200 + 220+/- over 12 days. Boom!!!