Thrice before now I’ve been left waiting for things to be done. Only when I completed the task for Mom’s estate did the other thing happen. It’s been like this for a while.
Why do things always seem to happen together? Even unrelated things… For months I’ve been planning two things: my mother’s estate and a new PC for my photography. Finally, they both came together: together. I’m thankful but curious…

In fact, there’s still one task I need to complete: marking the grave with a suitable epitaph. It’s been hard to write one, given the amount of space available.
But now that Mom’s estate is settled, it’s time to give space to that task, and not surprisingly… both the reply from the Funeral Directors and the money from Mom’s estate arrived at almost the same time. They had both languished for months, with nothing seeming to happen.
Now I’m doing the final commemoration on the tombstone. It should look something like this. But again, I’m waiting. I don’t know why. Perhaps something else has to happen first.