We strive to be fair to all people. It’s part of human nature. But in some cases, fairness for some involves unfairness for others: if you are raised as a girl, your gender is female but you have a high testosterone level … is that fair to the other participants who aren’t as lucky?

Is it fair if you’re disqualified from playing because your gender is intersex or you’re one of the few born with a chromosomal disorder?
Is it fair if you’ve benefited from having stronger muscles because of either high testosterone or other reasons… IOW you can hit like a stronger man?
In most sports, having a decisive advantage is often considered a virtue, whether you got it by nature or nurture is irrelevant. In cases of gendered sports, it seems to have the aura of ‘cheating’. Is that fair to all those who trained hard? Honestly, these questions are worth discussing but until what makes gender, and how gender development goes wrong are properly understood… I can’t see a sports body having sensible answers.