If you’re running a wordpress site, don’t be making these mistakes!

- Make sure you use the correct address on your events pages on Facebook. It happens that FB sometimes screws up… but really? How does that help your customers? Correct it! It’s not difficult!
- Test your links, esp. if they are in paid for advertising otherwise you’re wasting your dollars. I tested it for this site, the links didn’t go where they thought they would. For sure. Despite being told.
- Watch your videos, don’t just post them! Try to see them as others might, not as you think they should. And watch them to the … END.
- Don’t use low quality content creation or translation tools for final production. It shows in so many ways: incorrect or imaginary information, poor syntax, odd content, repetitive phrasing, non-original content, poor readability… and an overall bad impression.
- Understand the differences in your H1/H2/H3 because if you don’t, Google sure as heck won’t help. Using site builders in WordPress is overkill, if you’re not getting the other elements right. It just adds layers of complexity to what is essentially quite simple.
- Credit work and sources (photographers, writers, etc.) where you can, and make sure you have licenses to use the images. There are some really dubious images that look like they’ve been cropped from stock websites.
- Make sure your pages work and that the updates don’t bork your site, like this! It does happen even to the best sites. Plugin incompatibilities, themes break down, technology gets corrupted…

- Check your site to see if it’s still working.
Otherwise… well, your underwear is showing, and it ain’t pretty.