grey bicycle on road near black vehicle at nighttime

grey bicycle on road near black vehicle at nighttime
Photo by Ian Valerio on Unsplash

Yes. I saw a bike accident yesterday. Chap on sports bike ploughs straight into a Youbiker. The chap was on the wrong side of the road.

Then later on a little kid on a bike with stabilisers veers right across my path and nearly collides with me without stopping.

The parent was completely useless in controlling his kid, and didn’t know how to ‘shepherd’ four-year-olds on bikes. Kid rode dangerously swerving all over the place, before ending up riding on the pedestrian zone.

I had spotted the kid ahead and had already stopped my bike, until he went past. Ringing the bell had no effect. None whatsoever. The kid just didn’t listen. A bike cam would’ve been very useful in both those occasions, but you really can’t stop stupid.