a view of a body of water with a city in the background

DadaoCheng would be an easy place to miss, the 101s and Elephant Mountains are all that much more attractive; but you would be leaving out an important part of Taipei’s history that even after 20 years here I have only just recently come to know.

a view of a body of water with a city in the background
Photo by enot nil (@enotnil) | Unsplash Photo Community

For much of my time here, I just thought that Tihua Street was only a place to visit at Chinese New Year to pick up the staples for the annual celebration.

Little did I know that DaDaoCheng’s history is fundamental to Taipei’s very existence. I took part in the BurnMyEye Workshops celebrating DaDaoCheng’s history last year, which not only helped my photography but also acquainted me with DaDaoCheng’s history. So definitely check it out!